Friday, August 08, 2008

Knoxville, TN to Wherever my friends are

I've seen generations come and go from Knoxville. I've watched Knoxville natives wave goodbye to Sun Sphere city and never look back. And I've watched Knoxville disappear in the rearview as I helped friends move states away. I've also stood in the rearview and watch friends move states away. I've watched transplants from various parts of the country come to Knoxville for college and then 4, 5, or 6 years later they leave. 

Eventually I'll put Knoxville in my rearview, and sing Rocky Top as I depart to make a living shaping young minds as a College Administrator or Instructor, but for now I've still got opportunities here in what I call God's Country: Knoxville, TN. I feel like I'm still moving forward; more so than some people who have moved away, or at the very least at least as far forward as they are moving. 

I hate seeing people leave this place I call home, but I'm also ecstatic for them. I know I'll keep in touch with them for the rest of our lives. I won't be able to call them and say "Let's go grab some food," or "hey, let's go record shopping," but I will be able to call them and say, "Hey how's life?" And I know without a doubt that they're all going to be wildly successful. 

So to all those who have left this place we call home, even if you were a transplant, I want you to know I'm still in Knoxville, still a Vol, still moving forward, and most importantly still a friend, just like I'll always be. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.