Monday, March 23, 2009

Longshots Pay Off Better In The End

To everyone who didn't believe in the Vols this year and didn't pick them to win at least one game. I would like to issue you this public statement:

You're all busters. I'm placing their poor performance not on Bobby Maze or the fact that they didn't have a perimeter shooter, nor am I placing the blame on their crappy seed because they're an SEC team and get no respect despite playing the toughest schedule in the nation this year; nay good sirs I am placing the blame on you, the unfaithful. Brackets be damned you've got to believe in your team and if that means picking them to win it all despite the odds, then call me a longshot.

And yes, I did have them winning it all. Call it superstition or stupidity, I feel like if I don't pick them to go all the way they have no shot. Maybe one day I'll grow out of it, but for the foreseeable future if the Vols are in the tourny I'm picking them over the 92 Dream Team.... alright probably not the 92 Dream Team, but you catch what I'm saying. And shame on those of you who didn't believe.

Next year fools, next year.