Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bearded Names

So I can go almost nowhere without a conversation starting because of my beard. I am not complaining, I am in fact bragging. I'm very proud of my beard, as evident by the numerous posts about it here. Lately I've been keeping a tally of different names I get as a result of said beard. Here is my current list. 

Of course I get standard things like, 
Hobo - 


I think it's a little off color to make fun of them by calling me such names, they're just trying to make their way in the world. But enough of my social injustice rant. On to more name I get regularly. 

Steve Zissou - 

Chewbacca - 
Jeremiah Johnson

David the Gnome

And finally

ZZ Top

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


What did you do in 2008 that you've never done before? I got accepted to graduate school, I was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason, I got the best grades I've ever received in 20 years of schooling

Did you keep New Year's Resolutions? I always say I'm going to get in shape.... yeah I'm one of those people. 

Did anyone close to you give birth? Yeah, Ryan and Sam and Cameron and Lisa 

Did anyone close to you pass away? Thankfully no

Did anyone close to you get married? Yeah, John Garrison and his wife Brianna, My cousin Holly got married to a guy named Joey, and I feel like I'm forgetting one.... there it is, Justin Smith and his wife Carrie. 

What places did you visit? I went to New York. It was insane. 

What would you like to have more of 2009 that you lacked in 2008? Read.... things not for school, Write more, travel. 

What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory? Cinco de Mayo, when my band played with Less Than Jake

What was your biggest achievement of the year? I'm going to say getting into Graduate School and finding funding for Graduate School all in a weeks time frame. 

What was your biggest failure? Waiting 6 months between getting initiated into Masonry and deciding it was time to progress, thanks to my brothers Jon and Dave for the kick in the rear. 

Did you suffer illness or injury? Unfortunately I did, in November I took a pretty gnarly spill on my longboard and messed up my arm, and I messed up some cartilage in my wrist, but that was a separate occurrence

What was the best thing you bought? I didn't really buy anything of note, except a Mandolin, so I'll say Mandolin. 

Whose behavior merited most celebration? Marc Kantor and his entire family for proving there are people who are good even in the north. Doug Griffey for simply being Doug. Eric D. Smith for his endless advice and chastising - and most importantly the kick in the ass to apply to graduate school. 

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? As Tim said, "No one worth mentioning"

Where did most of your money go? Records, Gas, Food

What did you get really excited about? Following my Grandfather and Father into Masonry, Advancing my education, and performing. 

What songs will always remind you of 2008?

Compared to this time last year are you:

i. Happier or Sadder? Happier
ii. Thinner or Fatter? Probably fatter
iii. Richer or Poorer? I save better than when I was younger

What do you wish you'd done more of? Travel to visit my friends. 

What do you wish you'd done less of? Eat Fast Food

How will you be spending the holidays? With the family, and with my Bros 

How will you be spending New Years? Currently unsure. Hopefully something at least as awesome as last year. 

Did you fall in love in 2008? No, but I became infatuated a few times. 

How many one night stands? I plead the fifth. 

What was your favorite TV program? I didn't keep up with Lost or Heroes, and I don't watch the Office. But I did watch the entire series of The West Wing.

Do you hate anyone now you didn't hate this time last year? Nah. 

Do you like anyone you didn't like this time last year? Nah.

What was the best book you read? Inheritance 

Greatest musical discovery? My Favorite Highway, Crooked Still, Runner Runner, Matt Wertz, Owl City, Whiskeytown

What did you want and get? I got a sweet Camera. 

What did you want and not get? Again I'm quoting the great Tim Skirven, "Nothing worth mentioning"

Favorite film? 

What did you do on your Birthday? I had a freaking awesome birthday. I went and got sushi with Dale and Jacob because J was in town. So that right there started my birthday off right. Then we went to Tall Paul on the strip, some friends came out including the usual cast of characters, and Mr. Joshua Manis who took time out to come down because of the mass text I sent, he's a damn fine person. 

What one thing would have made your year immensely more satisfying? It was good. Maybe being more charitable? 

How would you describe your personal fashion concept of 2008? I would have to say more adult than most years. Lots of collared shirts, Jeans that fit better, shorter hair cuts, etc. 

What kept you sane? Friends, notably: Eric D. Smith, Ph D. - Matthew C. N. Skirven - Nolan Wildfire - Paige Phillips - Sally Gates and Andy Cobb

What celebrity did you fancy the most? I guess by this they mean fancy in the British sense, like who I wanted to be on so I'm going to go with Jordana Spiro or Lucy Griffiths

What political issue stirred you the most? Health Care

Who was the best new person you met? Unfair, best new person will be extended to best new people - Matt, Sally, Nolan, Paige, Laura, Bridget, Jenn, Lyndsey, Tyler, Nathan, the list goes on. 

A valuable life lesson learned from 2008? You have to take control of your situation. 

Quote a song lyric that reminds you of 2008? "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you just might find, you get what you need" The Beatles - I guess that one sums it up. 

Something I'd never done before 2008? I'm sure there's something, but I can't really think of it. 

Other memorable moments from 2008 include.... Staying out until the wee hours of the morning just to "party" with my "bros" - Playing with Less Than Jake - Masonry - Magic - Becoming a member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians - Meeting and hanging out with David Blaine and Daniel Garcia (and subsequently learning I was in the presence of other magical masterminds) - Performing enough magic to be commonly referred to as "The Magic Guy" - Graduate School - Becoming an "uncle" - June-Tober-Fest - HSFH Reunion - Mets Game - A week long farewell celebration for the Shin - Warped Tour as always - Forming the Beard and Mustache Fellowship of Knoxville in order to stay sane throughout graduate school - Quitting a job I hated the first job I ever quit - Starting my career? - Playing Shows - Kiss Your Ghost

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Decem-Beard Week 1

With the conclusion of "No Shave November" I have decided to launch headlong into "the Decem-Beard". By the way, "Decem-Beard" sounds so ridiculously ferocious it's insane. Also it should be noted that the first two photos have been photoshopped, but only to add definition and enhance true color. The last photo has no processing done to it, straight from the Canon to you. Enjoy. 

Monday, December 08, 2008


I am a one of the few and the proud. The bearded. No offense to the Marines, I respect your service and dedication more than words can express, so please take no offense to my hijacking of your one time slogan. 

I have been wearing a beard for the better part of my adult life... which is slowly, become the majority of my life. I enjoy growing my beard and trimming it back, growing it long trimming it back etc. I participate in facial hair related holidays, such as "No Shave November" and "Cinco De Mustache" which are completely underrated, and I argue should be put on standard calendars. My enjoyment of beard growth stems mainly from my intense dislike of shaving. I never liked shaving. Simply put, I encourage every able man to grow a beard. Throughout history fine men have worn beards, but that's another post entirely. So let me just suffice it to say that I really do enjoy having a beard, and right now, my beard is pushing a solid 2 months of growth, now trimming, and it is looking mighty fierce.