Thursday, April 03, 2008

A look at the best bands in the universe, Zac Johnson Edition.

So I just found out that one of my favorite bands (Over It) is apparently on hiatus, or something. Although no official statement has been released, it seems pretty clear, because half the band is in another new band. Now while I'm really bummed that Over It is apparently no more, and I'll probably spend the next month listening to their records on repeat, I must say this new project they have (Runner Runner) sounds like it will be awesome. I can't wait to get somewhere that I can listen to the songs (

First off, it's the singer/guitarist, guitarist, and drummer from Over It - the singer/guitarist from Don't Look Down, and the Singer/Guitar player from Rufio. I don't know who is doing what. But suffice it to say, I love all these bands so I'm really stoked to check out Runner Runner.

By the way if anyone was wondering I hate the favorite band question. I think it's trite, overused, and uninformative. I have favorite bands but to single one out, I feel would be almost impossible. So after years of thinking, I have an answer to the question, "Who is your favorite band?" And my answer is without a doubt - Less Than Jake.

I could listen to anything they put out at any time and seriously be in another world instantly. I could gush for pages and hours and days even, about how much I love this band, but let's suffice it to say, when I listen to Less Than Jake I want to drive as fast as I can, as slow as I can, scream, laugh, cry, make new friends, call old friends, forgive forget remember, sing at the top of my lungs until my voice gives out, just let the music wash over me, and most importantly live. That's what LTJ means to me. Cheesy? Yes, incredibly. True? Every word of it.

Also on the favorite band list would be (insert drumroll here)

(wait pause drumroll)
And before I get to the list, let's define favorite band real quick. A favorite band is a band that you love no matter what, they can't release anything bad in your opinion can do almost no wrong. That's not to say that you can't think they released a bad album (but a bad album from your favorite band is still better than most albums on their best day.... make sense?), but it does mean you'll be there first thing Tuesday morning when they release the next one. And you always defend your favorite band, you most likely judge people if they don't like your favorite band (although you can admit that said favorite band might not be for everyone). Also you won't stand for trash talk of said band, even if you thought the last album was rubbish you still enjoy it on some level and you won't stand for people dismissing it or the band. You'll respond to any such talk with statements like, "They were a little of their game, but it's still a solid record," or "Yeah it's not as good as their old stuff, but I bet the next one kills." (note if you vehemently deny the lackluster-ness of a crappy album, then you're opinion is written off). I also think it's impossible to say a band is truly one of your favorite until they've released at least, and we're talking a minimum here people, of 2 full length albums.

(ok, so where's that drumroll again?)

Top 8 List (no particular order)(Top 8 because I ran out of steam, and because I figure if they don't come to mind immediately they aren't a favorite band)
1. Less Than Jake
2. Over It
3. Huey Lewis and the News
4. Punchline
5. Cartel
6. RX Bandits
7. Anberlin
8. Tokyo Rose

You'll also notice that only one band on said list is a band no longer making new music (Mr. Lewis and his News), with the exception of Over It, who just actually released a B-Sides album and whose current status is unclear. Also Cartel is an excellent example of a favorite band who let me down on their last album, but when the next one comes around I'll be there Tuesday morning to pick up the new album because I don't think they can let me down twice.

Also just for grins and craps, let's do a top 4 bands to watch and if they had more albums out then they might be on the list, but due to my own criteria I can't put them on the list yet as they only have one release, or rather one official release.

1. Four Year Strong (technically they have two full lengths or maybe it's a full length and an EP, but only one was released nationally)
2. Valencia (one full length and a full length from the singer that is acoustic says when they release the new album this summer they will be a band I tell everyone about)
3. All Time Low (1 EP and 2 full lengths, but again only one of the full lengths was released nationally, so they're still on the watch list, but the singer kid Alex, he's got pipes, and he does guest vocals for everyone)
4. Forever the Sickest Kids (just the one EP, but they've got a full length coming out April 29, which should be great, but time will tell)

Expect an extrapolated look at all these bands in the near future, and also a list of top 10 defunct favorite bands.

Rock, check out one of the bands listed, you might find something you like.

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