Monday, December 08, 2008


I am a one of the few and the proud. The bearded. No offense to the Marines, I respect your service and dedication more than words can express, so please take no offense to my hijacking of your one time slogan. 

I have been wearing a beard for the better part of my adult life... which is slowly, become the majority of my life. I enjoy growing my beard and trimming it back, growing it long trimming it back etc. I participate in facial hair related holidays, such as "No Shave November" and "Cinco De Mustache" which are completely underrated, and I argue should be put on standard calendars. My enjoyment of beard growth stems mainly from my intense dislike of shaving. I never liked shaving. Simply put, I encourage every able man to grow a beard. Throughout history fine men have worn beards, but that's another post entirely. So let me just suffice it to say that I really do enjoy having a beard, and right now, my beard is pushing a solid 2 months of growth, now trimming, and it is looking mighty fierce.


ZaskarLE said...


Steven said...

You know who else had a beard - Santa Clause